FF Simulator Level D

Full Flight Simulator

Full Flight Simulator

Flight Training Device

Adv. Training Device

Adv Aviation Trainer

The World leader in VR Simulator Development and Training

FSTD quality level: FAA FTD LVL 5

King Air B200/B300

The device contains instrumentation and avionics equipment, flight controls, including pilots and co-pilot seats, provides complete workplace for a two crew members, workplace of an instructor and observers seats. The device contains cockpit equipment for day and night operation and is able to simulate standard aircraft failures. The FTD provides training for pilots in accordance with special regulations, as well as all methods applied in the client’s country for this type of aircraft.

FSTD quality level: EASA FTD Level 2, FNPT II MCC

Let L-410 UVP-E9/E20

The device contains instrumentation and avionics equipment, flight controls, including pilots and co-pilot seats, provides complete workplace for a two crew members, workplace for an instructor, observers seats, workplace monitoring center in terms of requirements of the contracting authority and aircraft inspections in accordance with applicable regulations. The device contains cockpit equipment for day and night operation and is able to simulate standard aircraft failures.

FSTD quality level: FAA FFS Level D


The ILYUSHIN IL-114 is a Russian twin engine turboprop airliner, designed for local routes in the Russian Federation. The IL-114 Full Flight Simulator was built in   cooperation with the VRM company and OEM-ILYUSHIN. The simulator was delivered and installed for the Uzbekistan Airlines in 2006.

FSTD quality level JAA FFS Level C


The CJ1 Full-Flight Simulator (FFS) JAR FSTD-A Level C and D is built and certified in accordance with the Joint Aviation Authorities Standards. It features the 6-Degree-of-Freedom (DoF) electrical motion system that provides full motion cues and collimated visual system capable of providing a high fidelity of 200-degrees horizontal and 40-degrees vertical Field of View (FoV). The FFS CJ1 authentically reproduces all weather conditions to include daylight, twilight, and night scenes.

FSTD quality level: JAA FTD Level 2/FNPT2


The Cessna Citation CJ2 FTD/FNPT JAR FSTD-A FTD, FNPT. The CJ2 Flight Training Device (FTD) and Flight and Navigation Procedure Trainer (FNPT) is built and certified in accordance with the Joint Aviation Authorities standards.